Thursday, November 28, 2019
Vegan Essay Example For Students
Vegan Essay The greatest of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.(Mahatma Gandhi Quotes) Gandhi said this in his book, The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism, this belief is still valid in todays modern society. At the present time in the United States, the concern for the health and well being of animals is drastically increasing. And one of the most substantial indications of this is the increasing number of Vegan Essays and vegetarians in our nation. Today there are over half a million vegans and countless millions of vegetarians in the United States alone. We will write a custom essay on Vegan specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now There are several different kinds of vegetarians following this practice. A vegan consumes no foods of any kind produced by animals. An ovo-vegetarian eats eggs, but no dairy foods or animal flesh. A lacto-vegetarian eats dairy foods, but no eggs or animal flesh. A lacto-ovo-vegetarian eats dairy foods and eggs, but no animal flesh. These people are most commonly referred to as just vegetarians. A semi-vegetarian eats dairy food and egg and occasionally includes fish or chicken but no other animal flesh.(Seameons,p2) Aside from dietary habits, a vegan also has several more rules to follow. A vegan cannot use any product made from the body parts of an animal such as leather, ivory, fur, and even pearls. They also cannot use products which have been tested on animals. Vegans are sometimes referred to as an animals greatest ally. Veganism originally started in India in the first century A. D.. Hindus did not become vegan because of deep religious reasons or for personal health reasons, but because of environmental pressures. It became both uneconomical and unsanitary to raise animals in so crowded an environment. (Seamen p. 5). Through the centuries veganism never really caught on due to lack of modern medicine and improper understanding of the functions of the human body. Around the beginning of the twentieth century, it is thought that the discovery of vitamins and minerals gave birth to the idea of eating for optimum health and fitness, and thus, the rediscovery of veganism. Up through the 1900s, more and more people started to say stop to the unfair torture of animals. Since the dawn of man, humans have used animals to their advantage. Animal flesh has been a good source of vitamins and protein. The skin was used for warmth and shelter. Before several of the modern advances made by mankind, animals were needed to sustain human survival and prosperity. In todays society, many of the products on our store shelves are tested on animals for safety reasons. Even with all the great uses there are for dead animals, modern nutrition and science has made so many new advancements in research that it has become completely unnecessary to kill any animal for any reason. Humans can survive solely on vegetation and supplementation. Animal testing is unnecessary due to new DNA and computer graphic research. In this paper three major issues dealing with veganism will be discussed. Whether or not the vegan life style is healthier then the average way of life? Is animal testing necessary or should it be banned? And should animals be used in the entertainment industry? There is no reason to injure or kill animals for any reason. Americans as a society should be vegan. One major issue is whether or not the vegan lifestyle is healthier than the average way of life. The average way of life consists of the four major food groups: meat, dairy, grains, and fruits/vegetables. In the vegan lifestyle, meat and dairy foods are cut out of the diet. From a nutritional standpoint, animal food does have its advantages. .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3 , .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3 .postImageUrl , .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3 , .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3:hover , .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3:visited , .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3:active { border:0!important; } .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3:active , .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3 .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc817855359cde7bf77614a47ec0100b3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Legalize Marijuana Essay For one thing it is nutrient-dense; it is a concentrated source of calories, protein, iron, zinc, copper, and in the case of dairy products, calcium. (Seameons p.4) Veganism is actually much healthier than consuming meat and dairy products. Most people who become vegans use improper supplementation and will eventually make themselves sick. It is not denying the body meat that vegetarians and vegans have problems with, but instead a lack of calories. The human body needs a certain balance of vitamins and minerals to sustain proper health. Usually, when a person decides to become a vegan, they make the transfer automatically. . Vegan Essay Example For Students Vegan Essay The greatest of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.(Mahatma Gandhi Quotes) Gandhi said this in his book, The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism, this belief is still valid in todays modern society. At the present time in the United States, the concern for the health and well being of animals is drastically increasing. And one of the most substantial indications of this is the increasing number of Vegan Essays and vegetarians in our nation. Today there are over half a million vegans and countless millions of vegetarians in the United States alone. We will write a custom essay on Vegan specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now There are several different kinds of vegetarians following this practice. A vegan consumes no foods of any kind produced by animals. An ovo-vegetarian eats eggs, but no dairy foods or animal flesh. A lacto-vegetarian eats dairy foods, but no eggs or animal flesh. A lacto-ovo-vegetarian eats dairy foods and eggs, but no animal flesh. These people are most commonly referred to as just vegetarians. A semi-vegetarian eats dairy food and egg and occasionally includes fish or chicken but no other animal flesh.(Seameons,p2) Aside from dietary habits, a vegan also has several more rules to follow. A vegan cannot use any product made from the body parts of an animal such as leather, ivory, fur, and even pearls. They also cannot use products which have been tested on animals. Vegans are sometimes referred to as an animals greatest ally. Veganism originally started in India in the first century A. D.. Hindus did not become vegan because of deep religious reasons or for personal health reasons, but because of environmental pressures. It became both uneconomical and unsanitary to raise animals in so crowded an environment. (Seamen p. 5). Through the centuries veganism never really caught on due to lack of modern medicine and improper understanding of the functions of the human body. Around the beginning of the twentieth century, it is thought that the discovery of vitamins and minerals gave birth to the idea of eating for optimum health and fitness, and thus, the rediscovery of veganism. Up through the 1900s, more and more people started to say stop to the unfair torture of animals. Since the dawn of man, humans have used animals to their advantage. Animal flesh has been a good source of vitamins and protein. The skin was used for warmth and shelter. Before several of the modern advances made by mankind, animals were needed to sustain human survival and prosperity. In todays society, many of the products on our store shelves are tested on animals for safety reasons. Even with all the great uses there are for dead animals, modern nutrition and science has made so many new advancements in research that it has become completely unnecessary to kill any animal for any reason. Humans can survive solely on vegetation and supplementation. Animal testing is unnecessary due to new DNA and computer graphic research. In this paper three major issues dealing with veganism will be discussed. Whether or not the vegan life style is healthier then the average way of life? Is animal testing necessary or should it be banned? And should animals be used in the entertainment industry? There is no reason to injure or kill animals for any reason. Americans as a society should be vegan. One major issue is whether or not the vegan lifestyle is healthier than the average way of life. The average way of life consists of the four major food groups: meat, dairy, grains, and fruits/vegetables. In the vegan lifestyle, meat and dairy foods are cut out of the diet. From a nutritional standpoint, animal food does have its advantages. .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059 , .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059 .postImageUrl , .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059 , .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059:hover , .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059:visited , .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059:active { border:0!important; } .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059:active , .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059 .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u291d73d7949531d28a9639ce68f8b059:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Efficient market theory a cont Essay For one thing it is nutrient-dense; it is a concentrated source of calories, protein, iron, zinc, copper, and in the case of dairy products, calcium. (Seameons p.4) Veganism is actually much healthier than consuming meat and dairy products. Most people who become vegans use improper supplementation and will eventually make themselves sick. It is not denying the body meat that vegetarians and vegans have problems with, but instead a lack of calories. The human body needs a certain balance of vitamins and minerals to sustain proper health. Usually, when a person decides to become a . Vegan Essay Example For Students Vegan Essay The greatest of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.(Mahatma Gandhi Quotes) Gandhi said this in his book, The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism, this belief is still valid in todays modern society. At the present time in the United States, the concern for the health and well being of animals is drastically increasing. And one of the most substantial indications of this is the increasing number of Vegan Essays and vegetarians in our nation. Today there are over half a million vegans and countless millions of vegetarians in the United States alone. We will write a custom essay on Vegan specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now There are several different kinds of vegetarians following this practice. A vegan consumes no foods of any kind produced by animals. An ovo-vegetarian eats eggs, but no dairy foods or animal flesh. A lacto-vegetarian eats dairy foods, but no eggs or animal flesh. A lacto-ovo-vegetarian eats dairy foods and eggs, but no animal flesh. These people are most commonly referred to as just vegetarians. A semi-vegetarian eats dairy food and egg and occasionally includes fish or chicken but no other animal flesh.(Seameons,p2) Aside from dietary habits, a vegan also has several more rules to follow. A vegan cannot use any product made from the body parts of an animal such as leather, ivory, fur, and even pearls. They also cannot use products which have been tested on animals. Vegans are sometimes referred to as an animals greatest ally. Veganism originally started in India in the first century A. D.. Hindus did not become vegan because of deep religious reasons or for personal health reasons, but because of environmental pressures. It became both uneconomical and unsanitary to raise animals in so crowded an environment. (Seamen p. 5). Through the centuries veganism never really caught on due to lack of modern medicine and improper understanding of the functions of the human body. Around the beginning of the twentieth century, it is thought that the discovery of vitamins and minerals gave birth to the idea of eating for optimum health and fitness, and thus, the rediscovery of veganism. Up through the 1900s, more and more people started to say stop to the unfair torture of animals. Since the dawn of man, humans have used animals to their advantage. Animal flesh has been a good source of vitamins and protein. The skin was used for warmth and shelter. Before several of the modern advances made by mankind, animals were needed to sustain human survival and prosperity. In todays society, many of the products on our store shelves are tested on animals for safety reasons. Even with all the great uses there are for dead animals, modern nutrition and science has made so many new advancements in research that it has become completely unnecessary to kill any animal for any reason. Humans can survive solely on vegetation and supplementation. Animal testing is unnecessary due to new DNA and computer graphic research. In this paper three major issues dealing with veganism will be discussed. Whether or not the vegan life style is healthier then the average way of life? Is animal testing necessary or should it be banned? And should animals be used in the entertainment industry? There is no reason to injure or kill animals for any reason. Americans as a society should be vegan. One major issue is whether or not the vegan lifestyle is healthier than the average way of life. The average way of life consists of the four major food groups: meat, dairy, grains, and fruits/vegetables. In the vegan lifestyle, meat and dairy foods are cut out of the diet. From a nutritional standpoint, animal food does have its advantages. .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263 , .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263 .postImageUrl , .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263 , .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263:hover , .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263:visited , .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263:active { border:0!important; } .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263:active , .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263 .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u89359a9f365581f7129bc431018bd263:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Essay on Overview of Network Security Essay For one thing it is nutrient-dense; it is a concentrated source of calories, protein, iron, zinc, copper, and in the case of dairy products, calcium. (Seameons p.4) Veganism is actually much healthier than consuming meat and dairy products. Most people who become vegans use improper supplementation and will eventually make themselves sick. It is not denying the body meat that vegetarians and vegans have problems with, but instead a lack of calories. The human body needs a certain balance of vitamins and minerals to sustain proper health. Usually, when a person decides to become a vegan, they make the transfer automatically. The .
Monday, November 25, 2019
Effects of Technology
Effects of Technology Free Online Research Papers Technology and the changes it brings can have a very big effect on our lives. The technological change that has had the largest effect on life in this country, I think, is the iPod. The iPod is a brand of digital music player developed by Apple in the early 2000ââ¬â¢s that revolutionized the way we can carry our own music with us wherever we go. One of the very first portable music players was the Sony Walkman personal stereo. It was capable of playing radio and cassettes. As time and technology worn on, the stereo improved. The CD Walkman came around as the cassette generation became phased out. First generations of these portable CD players saw no skip protection and did not make good portable units. Skip protection became known and widely used as on-board computers helped to read the information on the CD and prevented the CD from being read as it got bumped. As technology improved further, the codecs of MP3, AAC, and WMA became prevalent. Users burned CDs of MP3s as the first generations of MP3 capable CD players became the most noticeably used music player on the market. (1) As conveniently as the MP3 format started to take over our way of life, so had to be a way to play those computer files. Embedding hard drives and flash memory into players was only the start. The players themselves had to be easy to use, and of utmost importance, extremely portable. The time was ready for iPod. Sony had tried to make their own Walkman with flash memory capability but eventually was deemed too expensive and too constricting (their computer software interface was very buggy and the memory was lower than expected) vs. Appleââ¬â¢s iPod. (1) Appleââ¬â¢s iPod made all aspects of playing your music files better. They had more memory than all other portable units at the time, which meant you can transport more of your music than ever before. It also boasted more battery life, although critics were quick to denounce this as the numbers just could not be reached in real-life. Newer technologies continue to make these units better, with more and more memory, and increased user-friendly features. (2) With the advent of iPod and all of itsââ¬â¢ permutations, iPod accessories and attachments have become very prevalent and seems to be something that canââ¬â¢t be lived without. This has had the most lasting effect of technology Iââ¬â¢ve seen. References: (1) Walkman entry, (2) iPod entry, Research Papers on Effects of TechnologyThe Hockey GameHip-Hop is ArtBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductPETSTEL analysis of IndiaWhere Wild and West MeetOpen Architechture a white paperThree Concepts of PsychodynamicCapital PunishmentAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into Asia
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Mountain Dew Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mountain Dew - Research Paper Example The advertising campaign of Mountain Dewââ¬â¢s is currently directed at the right market segment in terms of age, since the new campaign targets the teenager consumers to the consumers in their 20s. The ads are made for different mediums including television and radio and a diverse lineup of up to seven celebrities has been used to tailor the appeal to the needs of regional markets. However, the use of celebrities has not been made rightly. For example, as of the year 2011 in Los Angeles, there is a majority of white persons i.e. 71.8 per cent. The second largest population is of the Hispanics or Latinos i.e. 48.1 per cent, the non-Hispanic Whites make the third-largest population in Los Angeles with a population of 27.6 per cent of the total, Asians are the fourth-largest population i.e. 14.2 per cent, whereas the African Americans are the fifth-largest group in Los Angeles with a population of only 9.3 per cent (United States Census Bureau, 2012). Taking these statistics into co nsideration, Mountain Dew should have used a white celebrity in its ad for the audiences of television in Los Angeles whereas it included Lil Wayne in the ad who is an African American. Mountain Dew does not differentiate the product from the competition but the advertising campaigns run in the past have emphasized on the productsââ¬â¢ benefits, e.g. ââ¬Å"Ya-hoo! Mountain Dew! Itââ¬â¢ll tickle your innardsâ⬠(Stanford, 2012) and ââ¬Å"Shore as shootinââ¬â¢, thereââ¬â¢s a bang in every bottleâ⬠(Stanford, 2012). Mountain Dew has taken certain initiatives in the right direction like introducing new varieties and different flavors in addition to the original version in the states. To make more sales, Mountain Dew needs to make new customers without loosing its old customers. There has been a decrease in the percentage of the non-Hispanic consumers of Mountain Dew from the year 2000 to 2012 by almost three per cent. This is a huge loss for Mountain Dew since the whites make 80 per cent of the total population of Mountain Dew consumers. To make new customers, Mountain Dew needs to reflect in its ads that it caters for the interests and needs of people from all races and ethnicities. While there has been a decrease in the population of whites since the start of the 21st century, there has been a corresponding increase in the population of the non-whites in the US in general and the African Americans in particular. By casting Lil Wayne in its new TV advertising campaign, Mountain Dew has provided the African Americans with a means to identify with Mountain Dew, but not the audiences belonging to other races. The ad has been made strategically since it conveys the message in catchy phrases e.g. ââ¬Å"If you got anything from me, itââ¬â¢s to find your thing and do youâ⬠(Stanford, 2012). In this sentence, Lil Wayne is drawing the audiencesââ¬â¢ attention toward Mountain Dew. To generate a more universal appeal through its campaign, a better approach would be to use multiple stars belonging to different races and ethnicities in the ads meant for all states rather than including a star from a particular race or ethnicity to ensure maximum sale among particular groups within a state instead of everybody in general. This can be achieved by including stars from different races like Lil Wayne and Jason Aldean in the same ad. This
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
PROPOSE A SOLUTION Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
PROPOSE A SOLUTION - Research Paper Example However, in light of this, humans form part of the world and are, therefore, included in the legal system governing Mother Nature. For this reason, the rights of the earth are followed for the nature, but not for the benefits and value that nature and the laws have towards humans. This means that representations of the legal rights of the earth are determined by the value that nature bears independently, and without influence from the interests of humans. In addition, all aspects of nature that fall in the sphere of moral concern and moral relevance bear a considerable amount of influence on decisions made about the environment. For this reason, they are crucial for ethics that are affiliated to the environment concerning the care that all humans should give to it. This is in addition to legal action and frameworks affiliated with the environment in cases of violation of requirements put in place to safeguard the environment and all its affiliated aspects in relation to sustenance of life (Philos 316). It is for the legal status of the environment that ethics are observed to the point of passing legislation on a global scale aimed at protecting the interests of nature and its constituent parts as are similarly held for humans. This translates to individual legal representation of the earthââ¬â¢s interests that are similar to the universal declaration of human rights. The other aspect of environmental aspect is the religious angle affiliated to it in regard to the problems that the environment faces according to the guilt associated with it due to a number of substantial reasons. These include the destructive alliance formed by science, technology, and democracy, which have seen the destruction of the earth (environment) in the name of development. The Christian religion in the west has pioneered the destruction through cosmology, where man views himself as a separate entity from nature. In turn, this has led to the domination of the earth by man in a quest t o attain their destiny (Jenkins 284). In relation to the aspect of religion and environmental ethics, man takes himself as taking precedence over nature due to their perceived differences, which is an aspect that is condemned by some religions and especially Buddhism and the philosophies for which it stands. Buddhism, concerning environmental ethics, stands for the belief that since the world will decline it is crucial to safeguard it. It does this by showing its followers how important the different aspects of nature are to the existence of humanity thus addresses issues of ecology and the environment (Keown 97). This also occurs through the cosmic beliefs based on tradition. For this reason, Buddhismââ¬â¢s ethics area call for prudential measures to conserve the environment for harmonious coexistence and support life, which makes it a moral obligation to look after the environment as is the case with the universal declaration of the rights of mother earth. However, religion as a whole does not support its ethics sufficiently due to the constant conflict between issues of technology, science, and religious beliefs. Climate and resource management is also an ethical issue that affects the environment on multiple scales. This is concerning the challenges that policymakers, scientist and researchers are faced with in creating solutions to overcome environmental problems. In addition, they grapple with issues of
Monday, November 18, 2019
Proposition 8 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Proposition 8 - Research Paper Example null and void by the federal courts had created an amendment to the Californias constitution that said that marriages between a man and woman were legal and enforceable by law declaring al same sex marriages as unenforceable. Before its passing, the California states same-sex marriages were protected by right. Despite the affirmation by the Californias supreme courts in May 2008, the legislation went ahead and prepared the proposition. The campaigns around the proposition 8w ere highly contested. The repercussion of the vote, an influential focus on Proposition 8 was sustained with demonstration around the state, country and litigation1. It has a focus on several aspects of the proposal and campaign funding. Three court cases seeking to nullify Proposition 8 were put up just after the election in November. In addition, the California Supreme Court proclaimed it would consider the lawsuits. In May, 2009, the Supreme Court of California upheld the amendment to the constitution2. Proposition 8 is uncomplicated and straightforward. It contained the identical 14 words that were beforehand accepted in 2000 by approximately 61% of votes in California: ââ¬Å"Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.â⬠The sentiments in the proposition 8 were not first raised in the proposal, they had been earlier raised in the year 2000 where nearly 61 percent of the votes in California in the state. The vote was consequently overturned by a panel of four judges. Further activism sort to redeem the "peoples choice" through a constitutional amendment. The activism sort to "restore the definition of marriage" which was a union between a man and a woman. According to the creators of the proposition, it had an aim of protecting the institution of marriage, but was not an attack towards the gay fraternity. Notable is that the proposition has no intention of infringing on the benefits and rights bestowed on both gays and lesbians who are in domestic union or
Friday, November 15, 2019
Gender Victimization in Contemporary World The Cauldron of Crime
Gender Victimization in Contemporary World The Cauldron of Crime The article presents a victimological analysis of crime victims on the basis of their gender victimization process of the teenage girls, working women, other females and also of gays, lesbians and transgender. The article progresses by tracing and analysing the female experience as being women: as child bearers, sexual objects for men, and nurturers. This paper tends to highlight various forms of victimization perpetrated on women like domestic violence, genital mutilation, rape, sexual assault, stalking, trafficking for sexual exploitation, honour killings and female infanticides, and showing that the situation of legal and social protection of abused females is critical. Further moving on to lesbians, gays, bisexuals or transgender a whole array of forms of victimization have been explained which include verbal abuse, degradation in their social status, abandonment by family members and relatives, physical/violent attacks some of which might lead them to commit suicides. Thus all these forms of victimization inflicted upon the weak and vulnerable sex would be analysed elaborately in this paper and various reasons that lead to their victimization have also been explored. The paper would also highlight the impact of victimization on these people by looking at its various consequences over financial, personal, mental, psychological and social aspects of the victims life and also assessing the nexus of the position of victim with the crime which affect the extent of their vulnerability to crime. The paper tends to emanate possible solutions from within the ambit of criminology and victimology that would help understand the position of a victim and the offender in a better way which in turn would help implement various recommendations made in this paper for eradicating all kind of gender victimization. Introduction The path of development of law from ancient period till the 21st century has always been complex and challenging with ever changing perspectives of the society. Throughout this period, crime and criminology has shaped up the overall facet of law as what it stands today. There has been a profound effect of crime on the society and its law in each era. However, the perspective of society towards crime has generally been narrow and one-sided, as the only concentration of criminology stands on the crime perpetrators, their behaviour, their characteristics and the penalties and punishments imposed on them. Criminology has failed to recognise the other side of the crime i.e. the victims and their role in crime which has now gained prominence owing to the serious repercussions of crime on society as a whole. This contemporary concept of studying the behaviour of victims before and after crime has become an important part of the study of crime falling under victimology. Thus victimology has helped us segregate various types of crime perpetrated on victims, the reason why particular victims fall prey to the offenders, the effect of crime on victims and many more. In this detailed analysis we also see that at many occasions crimes perpetrated are gender based and are concentrated against vulnerable section of females like teenage girls, married women, divorced women, girl child, mothers and the trans-genders or gays or lesbians become an easy target for this. There are a plethora of reasons which make them vulnerable to crime namely, physical attributes, social status, ideologies, orientation and the impact of criminal victimization is affected by factors like: sex of the victim, age, a victims prior history of victimization or that of persons known to the victim, overall perceptions of crime, the type and severity of crime experienced, and the relationship between the victim and the offender.Ã [1]Ã The discussion about gender based victimization also encompasses var ious types of crimes perpetrated on females and trans-genders which include sexual victimization, physical victimization, emotional victimization and sexual orientation victimization in case of gays and lesbians. Thus this paper aptly traces the trajectory of gender based victimization from various dimensions focussing on the aftermath of victimization from the victims as well as societys perspective. The cruel forms of gender victimization Gender based victimization is something which has always been there, but was hardly condemned owing to the patriarchal society dominated by men. However, with various social reforms according the equal status to women, there has been a significant shift in the ideology of society which has started paying attention to the issues related to women. Thus in this scenario the moot-able point that demands a lot of discussion and debate is that why is there so much of gender based victimization? And how the females, trans-genders, gays or lesbians are victimized in the open daylight, within four walls of their homes, offices etc.? To find an answer to these questions we will now look into various forms of crime perpetrated against women and other vulnerable groups of the society. New terms to describe forms of violence concentrated on women include domestic terrorism, marital rape, date rape, acquaintanceship rape, degrees of sexual assault, wife abuse, wife battering, intimate-partner viol ence, emotional abuse, stalking, sexual harassment, and gender harassment. Stalking The degree and intensity of stalking vary from situation to situation. Usually, stalking implies harassing or threatening behaviour often reiterated by an individual, like continuously following a person, secretly appearing at a persons home or place of work, making blank phone calls to harass, putting written messages or objects, or damaging the objects or property of a person. Thus any unknown or known but unwanted contact between two people that directly or indirectly create a threat or put the victim in fear can be regarded as stalking. Anyone can be a stalker, just as anyone can be a stalking victim. Stalking is a crime that can have serious after-effects on anyone, unaffected by gender, race, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, geographic location, or personal associations. However, if we follow the general pattern of stalking its the female sex that generally falls prey to the stalking. According to the statistics of stalking in United States of America every year 1,006,970 women and 370,990 men are stalked. These figures show that stalking incidents are magnanimously higher when it comes to female sex. Most stalkers of these females are young to middle-aged men with above- average intelligence and many a times from very respectable families and background. Most of the stalking cases crop up from some previous personal or romantic relationship between the stalker and the victim. In such situations, stalkers try to dominate over every aspect of the victims life. Gradually, the victim becomes the stalkers source of self-esteem, and the loss of this contact takes up the shap e of greatest fear for stalker. This dynamic makes a stalker dangerous where he can go to any extent to keep contact with. Unfortunately, the stalking of a female leaves her depressed and puts her in the situation of paranoia where she finds it difficult to come to the social terms out of continuous fear in her mind. To aggrandize the situation some stalkers feel obsessed for another person with whom they have no personal relationship and when the victim does not reciprocate this, the stalker tries to abuse and threaten the victim and some stalkers may even turn to violence. Thus stalking today has become a very common form of victimization of college girls, working women, teenage girls and it pose a great risk to their mental as well as physical health . Domestic violence Moving on to other forms of victimization, domestic violence is also one of the most common forms in which the victim bears the brunt not of strangers but of their own family members. Domestic violence is one of the crimes against women which are linked to their disadvantageous position in the society. Domestic violence refers to violence against women especially in matrimonial homes. Domestic Violence can be described as when one adult in a relationship misuses power to control another. It is the establishment of control and fear in a relationship through violence and other forms of abuse. The violence may involve physical abuse, sexual assault and threats. Sometimes its more subtle, like making someone feel worthless, not letting them have any money, or not allowing them to leave the home. Social isolation and emotional abuse can have long-lasting effects as well as physical violence. Therefore domestic violence is recognized as the significant barriers of the empowerment of women, with consequences of womens health, their health health-seeking behaviour and their adoption of small family norm. Many studies are of the view that violence by intimate partner most likely undermines the sexual and reproductive health of the women. This extensive violence has significant harmful effects like unwanted pregnancy, gynaecological disorders and physical injuries to private parts besides large-scale mental health impacts. Again, many of the commonly associated disorders/problems are found to be inadequately addressed. Violence by husbands against wife should not be seen as a break down in the social order rather than an affirmation to patriarchal social order. Similarly, is of the view that not only wife beating is deeply entrenched, but also people justify it. Thus, domestic violence is simply not a personal abnormality but rather it roots in the cultural norms of the family and the society. Rape/ sexual assault Rape is an assertion of power and not an act of lust. Violence on women is an extension of patriarchy, which means male rule. The two main features of patriarchy are sexual power and supremacy. By rape it is asserted that dominance is the male temperament and subordination the womens. Rape is a conscious process of intimidation by which man keeps woman in a state of fear in the confidence that the victim will not reveal the event to others. It is not like murder to him, though in actuality he murders the life of a woman. Rape can occur when the offender and victim have a pre-existing relationship (sometimes called date rape), or even when the offender is the victims spouse (called marital rape). However, the scene just doesnt end here as rape victims face serious after-effects of rape which include psychological trauma, depression, physical injuries. The plight of rape victims is also aggravated by various myths attached to rape which further victimizes the victim. These include statements like Rape is rarely a casual encounter; women ask for it and they get it by their own acquaintances. If women stay at home, where they belong, they would not get raped. The victims behaviour contributes towards her own victimisation. Most rapes are false accusations filed by women who are trying to get even with some men. Women who get raped are somehow morally corrupt, they are considered to be of loose character and even their tradition is like that. People try to find fault with the victim rather than the culprit. These are a few myths which significantly contribute in the agony of a rape victim. In any case, a traumatized rape victim finds it tough to stand up to the courts scrutiny. W hen such a vulnerable person is further exposed to a battery of embarrassing personal questions, she would naturally feel psychologically disadvantaged. Thats the reason why we have such few convictions in rape cases in India. Most victims either end up withdrawing their cases or reaching an out-of-court settlement. It does not only victimise her, but it also leaves a lifelong stigma on the character and dignity of a woman, causing her and her relatives, pain and agony. The mental torture is so deep that it hardly heals and if it heals at all, it takes a very long time to heal. The woman generally suffers in silence and endures in shame. Gender inequality: Abandonment/ abortion of girl child Around the world, a number of different practices result in physical and emotional harms to girls. In several countries, girl children are viewed as a drain on family resources, and having one or more sons and few or no daughters is valued. Thus, in China and India, girls are abandoned in public places or may be neglected as infants and therefore die; women in South Korea often abort a foetus that is known to be female. Usually, an unbalanced sex ratio of boys to girls is used to indicate selective abortion of girls or neglect that result in their death. An unexpectedly low ratio of girls to boys is referred to as the problem of missing girls. Female-selective abortion is primarily but not exclusively practiced in China, Taiwan, South Korea, Pakistan, and India; it also is not uncommon for Asian immigrant populations, including those in the United States and Canada. Abortion, life-threatening neglect, and abandonment to ensure that a daughter is not added to the family is related to cultural beliefs and to gender inequality. Countries with the greatest number of missing girls are those having the most patriarchal gender arrangements, according to which males control property, have the only inheritance rights, and have better employment options. Complementary cultural beliefs about sons support sex-related abortion in countries with resources to detect sex during pregnancy and for people who can pay for detection and abortions, as well as neglect or abandonment of newborn girls in countries with less advanced economies and technologies. Thus these practices of gender inequality affect not only one single female child but the whole female community. This leads to further degradation in the status of women in society which victimizes the whole community in terms of equal opportunities or equal treatment at home and at workplaces. Female Genital mutilation Girls who are born and who survive can be reminded of their inferior status through the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM). Specific beliefs and norms that promote the practice of FGM vary between countries, but in general the notion that women must be submissive to their husbands provides the rationale for continuing the practice. Women in regions of Africa where the practice is common believe that without the procedure, girls will be wanton and will not remain a virgin before marriage or faithful afterward, and that FGM will protect them because they will not seek sexual relations for pleasure, so their bodies belong totally to the men who marry them. Women support their male family members requirement of FGM both out of concerns that their daughters will be married, which in some places is the only way that a female can survive economically or socially, and also to avoid their own ostracism by being shamed, thrown out of the house, or divorced. Thus this is another form o f gender based victimization which cripples many societies Trafficking for sexual exploitation Human Trafficking, which involves the secret transport of people across local or national borders for the sole motive of sexually exploiting them, is a heinous crime that in most circumstances victimizes girls and women. Women, teenage girls, and sometimes boys are duped or forced into relocating to another area of their country, generally from rural to urban areas, or to other nations, where they are entrapped and swindled to engage in prostitution. In worse situations some poor families living below poverty line sell their female children to traffickers. According to the international data available on trafficking around 1 million people are trafficked for sexual exploitation throughout the world each year. International trafficking of women gained full pace after the collapse of the economic system of erstwhile Soviet Union and other African and Asian nations, as the situation was perfect for prohibited illegal opportunities and the demand for prostitutes and the hefty profits tha t could be made from them, along with minimum risk compared to drug and arms trafficking, accentuated the steep rise in trafficking. Although gender-related poverty is an element that makes trafficking possible, it is an influence only when it is coupled with two other things: motivated traffickers, usually operating in organized criminal groups, and countries or cities that are large sex industry centres where prostitution is tolerated or is legal. The recruiters (sometimes women allowed to escape their work as prostitutes), the pimps, and the traffickers, plus the international inequalities in chances for survival and a good future, are the essential influences on the movement of large numbers of women to settings where they are subjected to abuse and forced to prostitute themselves. For example, in India moneylenders or their agents will visit areas that are affected by desperate poverty. Moneylenders may own brothels, where they place the girls and women to work. In other cases, they may supply the women and girls to brothel keepers for a fee, and then require them to work until the fee is paid off. Once invol ved in prostitution, women are forced, in various ways, to continue. Asian-Indian women have reported to researchers that despite desires to stop, they continued prostitution because of illiteracy, beatings, starvation, rape by family members, and sexual exploitation in alternative jobs that paid less than prostitution, and that therefore created the reality that prostitution provided a higher rate of pay for sexual acts that they would have been forced into regardless of not working as a prostitute. Thus in this way forced prostitution is the face of horrendous monster haunting women who are in desperate need of financial help and renders them victimized both sexually and psychologically. Sexual orientation-motivated crime The victimization of lesbian and gay men, through either verbal harassment or varying degrees of physical assault, is the most common kind of bias related violence. More than half of the lesbian and gay male adult population have been estimated to have encountered some form of verbal harassment or violence in their lives. The victimization of gays, lesbians and trans-genders may be in varied forms which might include hate crimes directed against their whole community or in some countries like India abandonment by own relatives and family members. The ideology of various societies is intolerable towards this concept of differently sexually oriented people and thus people punish gays, lesbians and trans-genders for not being the same as they are. This is very ironic that people fail to appreciate ones own preferences about life and try to impose upon them such conditions which are considered as ideal in a society. This in itself is that facet of victimization of such people who feel ne glected, unwanted at the hands of stereotypes in society. Victimization of lesbians, gays and bisexual youth compromises with their mental health as an impact of assault on youth. Thus those youths who are open about their sexual orientation must not only cope with difficult personal matters but must also deal with negative reactions of family and friends. As a result of these cumulative stresses lesbians, gays and bisexual youths may be particularly at high risk for suicide. Thus this depicts that extreme cases of victimization of bisexuals and homosexuals might even lead them into the dark lanes where they end their lives out of depression. Impact of victimization Gender-related and sexual orientation-related victimization can be particularly traumatic because potential victims are at risk by virtue of gender, which for women and girls is readily apparent, and because it can be motivated by misogyny, dislike of gay and lesbian individuals, and other forms of hate directed at the very identity of a person. For women and girls, because victimization is so often within the family or circle of acquaintances, there is the additional disquietude introduced by violation of trust and the potential for continued contact with the victimizer. Psychological trauma Various researches across the globe have demonstrated severe and complex effects of gender-related victimization. In addition to physical injury and in some cases disability, battering can result in depression, anxiety, and PTSD. A report sponsored by the World Bank concluded that throughout the world, wife abuse is a serious threat to health and quality of life, results in injury or death, and has negative spill-over effects on children, the workplace, and the broader community. As a result of this larger percentage of victims become subject to ongoing emotional and psychological abuse, a form of violence that many battered women consider worse than physical abuse. Domestic violence also has psychological effects that include fear, anxiety, fatigue, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Some victims of incest and other forms of child sexual abuse, wife battering, and stalking are traumatized over a lengthy period. Compared to women who are infrequently stalked, those who are relentlessly stalked over a period of time not only are at greater risk for physical, sexual, and emotional abuse but also suffered more depression and PTSD. Repeated victimization can produce long-term changes in how survivors regulate their emotions, self-perceptions, and relationships with other people, and the meanings they attach to actions and events. The term complex posttraumatic syndrome refers to these sorts of long-term changes. Coming to homosexuals and bisexuals, gay and lesbian survivors of hate crimes are more depressed, angry, anxious, and stressed; they also have more crime-related fears and more often describe personal setbacks that resulted from attacks. Victimized gay and lesbian youths from both rural and urban areas reported high rates of suicide attempts. Many victims of sexual orientation-motivated hate crimes are afraid to report their victimization, and some turn their feelings inward and feel shame or guilt about their identities. Financial loss The economic effects of gender-related victimization could be profound. Many people who are battered in intimate relationships, stalked, raped, and exploited by people who benefit financially from their prostitution are economically marginalized by their victimization. If they are physically or psychologically traumatized, they may be unable to work in legitimate settings. Whether or not individuals simultaneously hold the statuses of victim and offender, the economic impact of gender-related victimization can result in immediate loss of financial resources and long-term declines in quality of life if it is necessary to live in less desirable neighbourhoods. System Abuse The suffering endured by crime victims does not end when their attacker leaves the scene of the crime. They may suffer more victimization by the justice system. While the crime is still fresh in their minds, victims may find that the police interview following the crime is handled callously, with innuendos or insinuations that they were somehow at fault. They have difficulty learning what is going on in the case; property is often kept for a long time as evidence and may never be returned. Some sexual assault victims report that the treatment they receive from legal, medical, and mental health services is so destructive that they cant help feeling re-victimized. Victims may also suffer economic hardship because of wages lost while they testify in court and find that authorities are indifferent to their fear of retaliation if they cooperate in the offenders prosecution. Long-Term Stress Victims may suffer stress and anxiety long after the incident is over and the justice process has been forgotten. For example, girls who were psychologically, sexually, or physically abused as children are more likely to have lower self-esteem and be more suicidal as adults than those who were not abused. Children who are victimized in the home are more likely to run away to escape their environment, which puts them at risk for juvenile arrest and involvement with the justice system. Stress does not end in childhood. Spousal abuse victims suffer an extremely high prevalence of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (an emotional disturbance following exposure to stresses outside the range of normal human experience), anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (an extreme preoccupation with certain thoughts and compulsive performance of certain behaviours). One reason may be that abusive spouses are as likely to abuse their victims psychologically with threats and intimidation as they are to use physical force; psychological abuse can lead to depression and other long term disabilities. Some victims are physically disabled as a result of serious wounds sustained during episodes of random violence, including a growing number that suffer paralyzing spinal cord injuries. And if victims do not have adequate insurance coverage, the long-term effects of the crime may have devastating financial as well as emotional and physical consequences. Fear People who have suffered crime victimization remain fearful long after their wounds have healed. Even if they have escaped attack themselves, hearing about anothers victimization may make people timid and cautious. For example, women who are being abused by their partner may be fearful of reporting the abuse to authorities, especially when they read media reports about women who have been stalked and murdered by their partners following disclosure of the abuse to police. Victims of violent crime are the most deeply affected, fearing a repeat of their attack. There may be a spillover effect in which victims become fearful of other forms of crime they have not yet experienced; people who have been assaulted develop fears that their house will be burglarized. Many go through a fundamental life change, viewing the world more suspiciously and less as a safe, controllable, and meaningful place. These people are more likely to suffer psychological stress for extended periods of time. Antisocial Behaviour There is growing evidence that crime victims are more likely to commit crime themselves. Being abused or neglected as a child increases the odds of being arrested, both as a juvenile and as an adult. Young people, especially those who were physically or sexually abused, are much more likely to smoke, drink, take drugs, and become involved in criminal activities than are non abused youth. Incarcerated offenders report significant amounts of post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of prior victimization, which may in part explain their violent and criminal behaviours. Some Progressive developments in India In the recent past there has been an upsurge in rape cases Apart from above solutions, there has been a remarkable improvement in the Indian scenario where many progressive developments have been made by judiciary to protect the interests of victims affected by sexual assault, rape, domestic violence and other manifestations of male dominated society. Thus in the wake of current discussion it becomes important to put some light on one of the most remarkable judgement delivered by Supreme Court of India in the case of Delhi Domestic Working Womens Forum Vs. Union of India, which laid down various guidelines for protecting the dignity and integrity of rape victims and sexual assault victims. The complainants of sexual assault cases should be provided with legal representatives who are well acquainted with the criminal justice system. The victims advocate must also provide her guidance to go for mind counselling or medical assistance whenever needed. Legal assistance will have to be provided at the police station since the victim of sexual assault might very well be in a distressed state upon arrival at the police station. The police should be under a duty to inform the victim of her right to representation before any questions were asked of her. In pursuance of the directive principles contained under A. 38(1) of the constitution of India to set up Criminal Injuries Compensation Board whether or not a conviction has taken place. The court also held that in cases where fines and compensation orders were given together, the payment of compensation should take priority over the fine. These developments signified a major shift in penology thinking, reflecting the growing importance attached to restitution and reparation over the more narrowly retributive aims of conventional punishment. The Supreme Court in recent times has thus advocated the need for a scheme which would help all the victims of gender victimization and thus the social organisations, government authorities have set out to look for such programmes and policies. In order to give concrete base to these ideas the next section of the paper highlights some measures that can be taken in this regard to reduce the agony of victims. Solutions for diminishing the aftermath of victimization on victims THE ROLE OF THE VICTIM ITSELF: Depending on other correlates of social location-for example, poverty and race-girls and women, to varying degrees, have a sense that they need to alter their lives to manage violence that is disproportionately directed against females. Gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals also emotionally respond to and manage potential gender-related violence through routines and choices in everyday life. Fear of crime influences quality of life and reproduces social inequalities, creating and reinforcing exclusion from particular places and from some social interactions and restricting a persons actions. Individuals beliefs that they need to adjust their lives to avoid gender-related victimization are a manifestation of their oppression. Everyday violence results in measures to guarantee our safety-such as staying alert on the street, resisting arguments with our intimates because their bad tempers might lead to a beating, or avoiding certain public places that make us feel uneasy. Consistent with the notion of everyday violence, fear of crime is most accurately indicated by the wide range of emotional and practical responses to crime and disorder made by individuals and communities or, more generally, the impact of peoples concerns about crime on everyday social life. THE ROLE OF SOCIAL AGENCIES: Helping the victim to cope is the responsibility of all of society. Law enforcement agencies, courts, and correctional and human service systems have come to realize that due process and human rights exist not only for the criminal defendant but also for the victim of criminal behaviour. VICTIM COMPENSATION One of the goals of victim advocates has been to lobby for legislation creating crime victim compensation programs. As a result of such legislation, victims may apply to regional level agencies to receive financial compensation for expenses incurred as a consequence of injuries or death resulting from a criminal offence. Compensation may be provided for medical bills, loss of wages, loss of future earnings, and counselling. In the case of death, the victims survivors may receive burial expenses and aid for loss of support. Personal and household property losses are not normally compensated. COURT SERVICES Among the victim services that need to be provided through the court system, victim witness assistance programs (VWAP) might play a key role in providing information, assistance, and support to victims and witnesses of crime. VWAP programs provide a range of services, including crisis intervention/counselling, referrals to community agencies, emotional support, information about the progress of the case, he
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Women Eutrepranuers - The Next Step :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
à à à During the 1990's, American women have made unprecedented moves away from corporate business into the home-based work world. Seeking a way to incorporate their career and personal interests with family responsibilities, they are tearing down the stereotype of Supermom and replacing it with Mompreneur, a new image that allows for more creativity, flexibility, and personal expression. The growth of home-based women-owned businesses has been phenomenal, especially when the traditional role of women is taken into consideration. Until the 1950's (excluding a period during the early 1940's when women took up positions in the workforce vacated by men fighting in World War II) America still embraced the ideal woman as a Donna Reeves stereotype (Scott 274). A woman was meant to stay at home and attend to her domestic duties, nurture her children, and support her husband in all things -- all done with grace, style, and no murmur of discontent (Behr and Lazar 18-19)! à Girls born during the 1950's grew up in a transitional world. Older women were beginning to make inroads in the work world, but there was as yet no emphasis on goal- setting, no encouragement to take up a career. Neither was there discouragement, but the lack of parental and teacher guidance created a generation of lost women, many of whom now face their midlife years with little or no idea of what to do with themselves. à The generation that followed these lost women was more fortunate. Opportunities in the work force were opening up, and schools were beginning the slow process of restructuring and rethinking needed to encourage young women to seek career options. Many of these young women embraced this new opportunity, creating a generation of over-achievers who sought to carve out a place for themselves as equals in the corporate world. These women spawned the term Supermom and, in doing so, created an entirely new set of issues for women to face. à Foremost among these issues was burnout. A majority of typical Supermoms were part of two-income families where both husband and wife worked long hours. In the words of one Maryland woman who found herself with all the domestic duties in addition to her full-time career: "Something had to give. I thought, 'This is not right. I'm cheating someone and I'm probably cheating everyone,' ... I needed to be home" (Yoest 1).
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